St. Matthew’s United Church of Canada
1479 Barrington Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 1Z2
Tel: (902) 423-9209
Fax: (902) 423-2833
St. Matthew’s is located at the corner of Barrington St. and Spring Garden Rd. in downtown Halifax. Parking is available on Barrington Street and side streets, but is somewhat limited.
Below is a map locating paid parking lots in our immediate vicinity. Street parking is free evenings and weekends.

- A - Rear of Courthouse off of Spring Garden Road, opposite Grafton Street: Evenings and weekends $3. Weekdays $1.50 per hour, $7 maximum.
- B - Commissionaire’s Lot behind Church off Hollis St. near Salter St.: A few free spaces on Sunday morning only. Wooden steps to back entrance of Church.
- C - Four Seasons Sheraton Parking off Hollis St. near Salter St.: $1.25 per half hour anytime and day. $12 Maximum. Evenings and weekends pay at hotel front desk.
- D - Metro Park off Granville St. Opposite Blowers St.: $1.25 first half hour, $2 each subsequent hour anytime any day. $12.75 maximum weekdays, $5.75 maximum evenings and weekends. Automated.