St. Matthew’s United Church eBulletin Feb. 24, 2019



  • The days and weeks ahead
  • An invitation to usher
  • Please hold in your prayers ...
  • How you can help the Out of the Cold Shelter
  • In the Community
  • St. Matthew's activities


The days and weeks ahead

Thu. Feb. 28       Bible study at noon, in the parlour 

Sun. Mar. 3       -  Worship service, 10:30 am

  - Pancake Sunday lunch, after church

Sun. Mar. 10      First Sunday of Lent


An Invitation to Usher

Ushering is part of our important ministry of hospitality and integral to the Sunday morning experience. St. Matthew's needs volunteers to welcome visitors and members of the congregation at the doors of our lovely sanctuary. All that is necessary is a willingness to extend a welcome and to see that folks have a comfortable start to their time at service.

There are a few practical tasks -- distributing service bulletins, escorting some folks to seats, inviting all to coffee, collecting the offering, and counting the congregation. So, the ability to count to 100 and a warm smile are assets!

If you have not ushered before, those of us who have done so are willing to pair with newcomers and/or to answer any questions.       

            Please consider giving a small part of your time to this important ministry to the St. Matthews community. Contact Anne Marie Dalton & Carol Lee for more information.

            We are experimenting with an online sign-up system since you know best when you are available to usher. Please Click on the following link to open the signup page:


Please hold in your prayers ...

  • Marg Arklie, recovering from pneumonia in hospital
  • Karla Bruce, healing a broken ankle after surgery and setting
  • The family of the late Rick Salsman of our congregation. Please keep Bonnie, Christopher, Katherine and her family, as well as Lyn Waller (Rick's sister) and her family, and all Rick's loved ones in your prayers. Funeral services were held at St. Matthew's this past Tuesday.


How you can help the Out of the Cold Shelter

The Out of the Cold Shelter is open nightly in the Sunday school area of St. Matthew's. The Shelter offers 15 beds for those who need a place to stay, and provides hot meals, sandwiches, and some necessities to guests and others who drop by.

 Financial Support to St. Matthew's – St. Matthew`s provides space, heat, lights, washroom facilities, etc. for guests. Your donations help cover the operating costs that allow the shelter to stay open all winter long.

 Requested items – OTCS recently appealed for deodorant -- $5 gift cards – bus tickets – waterproof gloves – socks – underwear – and gently used and clean sweaters, sweatshirts, hoodies, winter coats, and waterproof boots.

 OTCS lists current requirements on its website and on its Facebook page. Donations can be dropped off on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the lower level of the church between 8:30 am and 5 pm. OTCS is a peanut-free zone and cannot accept donations of mouthwash, aftershave, or hand sanitizer.

 Sandwiches – There are Thursdays in March and April open that St. Matthew's folk can provide sandwiches for OTCS. If you can help, see Jean Hattie.


In the Community

Halifax Camerata Singers: Music of the Spheres – Sat. Mar. 2 at 7:30 pm, Halifax Central Library, Spring Garden Road. A audio-visual program of music with readings by guest narrator Ben Caplan that explores the beauty of the heavens and our planet – Earth as seen from space, and space as seen from Earth. Tickets $35 adult, $30 senior, and $20 student available at Concert repeat on Sun. Mar. 3 at 7 pm at Knox United Church, Lower Sackville.


Bereavement Support – Contact the Hospice Society of Greater Halifax at 902-446-0929.